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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Solar-Powered Plane Flies Off!

Piccards Project "Solar Impulse" at ...Image via Wikipedia
An invention. I always tell my kids that there has been many inventions, and coming up with an invention is NO BIG DEAL.

I would have to explain to them that inventing is not what matters. What matters is that your invention is something that will help mankind, without having to destroy the earth that we live in. Look at plastic. its invention was most definitely heralded as one of the greatest in mankind's history, but nowadays, it is also one, if not THE, most abhorred product, and is considered the worst pollutant to the planet that we live in.

Not to deal on plastics or any other inventions, let me present to you the news on one inventions - this one really flies!

Read on:

"The Solar Impulse, a solar-powered plane covered in 12,000 solar cells, took its maiden flight today in Switzerland. The plane stayed aloft for 87 minutes, performing test maneuvers as well as completing a successful takeoff and landing. With the first test flight behind them, the developers can focus on gearing up for their around-the-world solar powered flight set for 2012."

What's your say? Have you got yours? Anything in your mind to consider as a new invention?
Whatever, do leave your comments.

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